What Is Going On

Since I have told you what is going on in my life lots of stuff has happened. I am not, repeat NOT talking about it, well most of it. Partially because it was horrible and I don’t wanna. And partially because I am aware that many, if not all of you have been going throughContinueContinue reading “What Is Going On”

Hooray I’m back

What happened? I was locked off my website! My computer said it was unsafe, and wouldn’t let me over rule it and come here anyway. Am I unsafe? I mean I could understand when I was locked out of some sites that had stuff I was thinking of buying. That’s Gavin, fixing my computer asContinueContinue reading “Hooray I’m back”

I Can’t Log in to My WordPress Account

Well obviously I can. I just have. But… Unfortunately I have a problem. I have previously pointed it out. Small things derail me. So I open Microsoft Edge, something asks me if I want to log into my google account. I being a sensible normal person, immediately turn off my computer and have a nap.ContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Log in to My WordPress Account”

I Think I Can Write a Script.

Actually I don’t. I joined a Scriptwriting writing group because the guy running it wasn’t comfortable with the admin, and he was too important to lose. Once a month and some tips to hand onto my husband (scriptwriting was an early aspiration) and my drama obsessed offspring. But no it was a full on scriptwritingContinueContinue reading “I Think I Can Write a Script.”


Hello, I’m not saying where I’ve been.   It’s depressing, boring and a barrier to me re-starting. Suffice it to say no where, I have been at home. All the pets are fine, except one psychotic fish who hates me,   who is actually quite healthy so that description is inaccurate. I’ll try again. AllContinueContinue reading “Hi”

Christmas in July – The Tablet Version

As previously mentioned in Christmas in July – Lisa’s: and Christmas in July – View from an Alex   KSP Writer’s Centre A.K.A. The greatest writing centre in the world were having a literary dinner the evening of my Tuesday Writers Circle. So I made that our writing theme. Mum again wouldn’t write (because sheContinueContinue reading “Christmas in July – The Tablet Version”

Christmas in July – View from an Alex

As previously mentioned in Christmas in July – Lisa’s: KSP Writer’s Centre A.K.A. The greatest writing centre in the world were having a literary dinner the evening of my Tuesday Writers Circle. So I made that our writing theme. Mum again wouldn’t write (because she is stubborn) and no one who wasn’t family came (becauseContinueContinue reading “Christmas in July – View from an Alex”

Christmas in July – Lisa’s

KSP Writer’s Centre A.K.A. The greatest writing centre in the world were having a literary dinner the evening of my Tuesday Writers Circle. So I made that our writing theme. Mum again wouldn’t write (because she is stubborn) and no one who wasn’t family came (because too many have met me). But triumphantly Tablet wrote,ContinueContinue reading “Christmas in July – Lisa’s”

Things I am Trying to do.

I was asked to do an interview, you can see it on the link below.  BTW while you are there make sure to read at least one other post, then I am sure you’ll subscribe. Autism Kids On Tour KSP News KSP After completing two short stories for last year’s Tuesday Writer’s Circle’s proposed anthologyContinueContinue reading “Things I am Trying to do.”

The Evil Plot Thickens or Thins or Something.

For those of you that are new to this blog, hi, welcome, it gets better I promise, and to old friends who may have forgotten, like me I’ve forgotten what I told you, although I don’t really consider myself a friend, I mean I have a truce but its not really observed all the time,ContinueContinue reading “The Evil Plot Thickens or Thins or Something.”