I Can’t Log in to My WordPress Account

Well obviously I can. I just have. But… Unfortunately I have a problem. I have previously pointed it out. Small things derail me. So I open Microsoft Edge, something asks me if I want to log into my google account. I being a sensible normal person, immediately turn off my computer and have a nap.ContinueContinue reading “I Can’t Log in to My WordPress Account”

Spammed Again

Okay, so my life has been over stuffed with things to do and crisises and sleeping and or staring into space while my mind went wandering off.  I wonder where it went, it won’t tell me because…  It won’t tell me that either.   I had indescribably huge numbers of emails and posts to read.ContinueContinue reading “Spammed Again”

It’s Back To 6 Days Ago

In my last post I took 200 words just to mention that the previous post was part of the same series as this.  So for the sake of brevity just: Read 6 Days Ago. then 5 Days Ago and then this one.  Just believe me, its best. Are you back? Okay! So, somewhat stupidly I left off at nagging.ContinueContinue reading “It’s Back To 6 Days Ago”

My Computer Has Astrophobia

That’s right; poor Sebastian (that’s his name) is afraid of thunder & lightning.  I always thought it was brontophobia but I believe the internet).  First we learn brontosauruses are Apatosaurus, now brontophobes are astrophobes. How do I know that my poor baby is scared.  He stops working and hides down inside himself. He won’t evenContinueContinue reading “My Computer Has Astrophobia”

Email Warning

I just received two traffic infringement notices by email.  Sounds fishy right?  Did I check it out just to be sure?  I was really tempted to because as an autistic person I was concerned that I had done something wrong. Reasons I did not: “Null” as my address Zip code; in Aust. we call itContinueContinue reading “Email Warning”

Why I never read your posts!

There is one simple reason I don’t read some blogs I follow.  Their posts come up in my Reader but not an email notification. Yes it is that simple loyal yet disgruntled follower.  I have sensory problems (I am autistic, I don’t mention this enough) and I find the Reader format triggering.  I have triedContinueContinue reading “Why I never read your posts!”