5 Ways Too… New Years… Kitten

It’s a picture of my kitten to tempt you all to take a look, I need traffic on my website cos I want to sell my book. I’ve been writing and reediting until it’s made me sick. And to get my kid to illustrate I’ve had to use a stick. I know I have ignoredContinueContinue reading “5 Ways Too… New Years… Kitten”

The Difference

Hello folks, another exercise for my writing group; find links between 2 disparate things and then write something comedic. Not an original idea of mine, a long time comedy staple. But after all its important to remember the classics. Guess which two I was writing about: It’s Little Eddie’s first day. The big car dropsContinueContinue reading “The Difference”

My Kiddie Wink Writied a Thing Too

Remember the exercise I did yesterday. Remember I said Alex did the exercise too. I said Tabby wrote something, but that’s still basically irrelevant because she still won’t let me read it. Alex is letting me post her work. Too much explainie, read this… I Writied A Thing Then read this : The Fenir laughed asContinueContinue reading “My Kiddie Wink Writied a Thing Too”

I Think I Can Write a Script.

Actually I don’t. I joined a Scriptwriting writing group because the guy running it wasn’t comfortable with the admin, and he was too important to lose. Once a month and some tips to hand onto my husband (scriptwriting was an early aspiration) and my drama obsessed offspring. But no it was a full on scriptwritingContinueContinue reading “I Think I Can Write a Script.”

Evil Money Grubbing Loon Turns Professional Beggar.

Help I need Mon Mon. Remember I wrote some books to help my youngest and foolish people encouraged me, and I insanely decided to try and publish them.  If you need a reminder read Things I am Trying to do.     So needing a new old car and trying to save the front garden hasContinueContinue reading “Evil Money Grubbing Loon Turns Professional Beggar.”

I Tried Teachering Sumting to Tablet at KSP

And she actually wroteded sumting so I are a superer teacherer. And dis’ is what she wrotered: “Lita! Wait!” Lita turned at the voice to see Nadia swiftly moving through the crowded market street toward her. “What is it?” Lita asked the young cat girl. Nadia took a moment to catch her breath before replying,ContinueContinue reading “I Tried Teachering Sumting to Tablet at KSP”

The Evil Plot Thickens or Thins or Something.

For those of you that are new to this blog, hi, welcome, it gets better I promise, and to old friends who may have forgotten, like me I’ve forgotten what I told you, although I don’t really consider myself a friend, I mean I have a truce but its not really observed all the time,ContinueContinue reading “The Evil Plot Thickens or Thins or Something.”

I Hate Editing

Of course I do. Everyone does.  I hate rereading a piece until I hate every stupid word.  I hate the futility of not being able to see my mistakes because I know what I meant. But I really hate the wall I just hit. Background:  I know I am not that great a writer; butContinueContinue reading “I Hate Editing”

A Wanna Be Writer’s Lament

I wonder why I can’t write A work to inspire acclaim! It isn’t that I’m not that bright, Or have no talent to my name. With creativity I’m more than blessed. Wisdom floods right out my ears. Yet my writing never quite impressed. My lack of fame brings me to tears. But I finally realised whatContinueContinue reading “A Wanna Be Writer’s Lament”

Why I never read your posts!

There is one simple reason I don’t read some blogs I follow.  Their posts come up in my Reader but not an email notification. Yes it is that simple loyal yet disgruntled follower.  I have sensory problems (I am autistic, I don’t mention this enough) and I find the Reader format triggering.  I have triedContinueContinue reading “Why I never read your posts!”