Dogs Lie! Part 2

Please read part 1 here first. So the next morning when I got up I asked where Cherise was; the kids had let her into Grandma’s.  OMG I ran down to Mum’s calling Cherise.  Mum told me the 3 dogs were outside (3 because although Charlie likes playing with the dogs for a little while,ContinueContinue reading “Dogs Lie! Part 2”

Dogs Lie!

A lot of people think that dogs can’t lie.  Because they are too dumb; have you met your average yobbo, I mean dogs are smarter than that.  Or because they are noble, give me a break, they eat cat poo.  Because they are not at that developmental level; experts suggest dogs are at a similarContinueContinue reading “Dogs Lie!”

Cherise Wins!

Let’s go back to 2009. Within a few days of buying our new little puppy Cherise Gavin went insane.  No this was not our first dog; I had lived with dogs all my life and we had owned 4 as a couple. Gavin had always made fun of people; like my parents, who bought coatsContinueContinue reading “Cherise Wins!”

Charlie Fails as a Teddy Bear

About 4 years ago, when we moved to our new house, the 4 girls went from all sleeping in one room to all having separate rooms.  We expected problems, transition time, etcetera but we were wrong.  3 split instantly to enjoying their solitude.  Unfortunately we were right about number 4. All my kids are different,ContinueContinue reading “Charlie Fails as a Teddy Bear”

My Evil Owner by Charles Holt Cavalier

Mummy is talking to Daddy again, I’m pretty sure they talked without me 2 weeks ago so I don’t know why they are doing this.  They tried to talk on the couch and I wedged my delicate nose between them and pushed with all my might.  And do you know what those heartless creatures did?ContinueContinue reading “My Evil Owner by Charles Holt Cavalier”

I Wrote A Poem; I Hate You All! – My family not my readers

I told my fish to stop their fighting & they bit each others tails. I told my kids to stop their fighting & my husband laughed in gales.   I asked the grey cat to please stop drinking my lovely cup of tea. Smokie looked solemnly at his water bowl then stared straight back atContinueContinue reading “I Wrote A Poem; I Hate You All! – My family not my readers”

Christmas in 40*C. – Light Hunting in Perth Part 1

While we were driving along the other night hunting for Christmas lights the weirdness of what we were doing struck me. Now that our faulty modem has been replaced I am planning to resume my blogging but having accumulated over 6000 posts to read in my absence I won’t be looking at my backlog. AnywayContinueContinue reading “Christmas in 40*C. – Light Hunting in Perth Part 1”

Christmas Planning Mistake No.2, 3 & 4

Over the years we have developed traditions. 1st of December we put up the Christmas tree.This year on the 1st of December Tabby had tickets for the school River Cruise; no time for tree.  So Friday; nope I slept from 1:30 to 5:00, Gavin from 2:00 to 6:00, Cat & Alex until 7:00.  Yah stressContinueContinue reading “Christmas Planning Mistake No.2, 3 & 4”

Crazy Update and Rabbit Advice Sought

My life continues weird, I am having panic attacks, silent not moving episodes, and crying every day.  It could be hayfever, it could be the approach of Christmas, it could be the accumulation of pushing myself too hard.  I’m a mess but I don’t feel that bad about it anymore.  I’m sure there must beContinueContinue reading “Crazy Update and Rabbit Advice Sought”

Nothing Mean About A Well Known Brand

It happened again, a Windows 10 Update kidnapped the soul of my computer leaving me bereft and alone, with only my family & pets for company.  I know I’m playing with fire.  But I’m using a sneaky title, and someone else made a complaint post about WordPress and they are still blogging.  If something happensContinueContinue reading “Nothing Mean About A Well Known Brand”