I have a YouTube Video Like Thingy


What on Earth was that Video Yesterday About?

Okay so I have been working on…. Whoa this is a long story. Okay I wanted to sell some books; Autistic Guides to High School. But I’ve been waiting for my illustrator, if you hire an Autistic, ADD, Dyslexic try to make sure they aren’t about to fall into a deep depression, alternately make sureContinueContinue reading “What on Earth was that Video Yesterday About?”

In Defence of…

Me, no my children, no me, no well… I’m not sure. All I know is Tasha is going to kill me. And its all my own fault. Okay back to the beginning. I may have written a blog post, that taken out of context, you know, if someone was picky, might be just a teenyContinueContinue reading “In Defence of…”

Easter Writing Task

So this morning we had a relaxing exercise at Tuesday Writer’s Club. Tony is joining us by telephone. You are not going to believe this; Tony does not have a computer. At all, by choice. So here is my attempt at the challenging task. The Easter Bunny has finished his work…   “Never again,” HeContinueContinue reading “Easter Writing Task”

I Hate Hoomans! part 5.

I have been working hard on a competition run by KSP Writers’ Centre and the City of Mandurah called “Story Horse”.  I was trying to edit it down from 2175 words down to 2000 which is what I thought I remembered the limit was.  I cut it down to 2069 and then corrections brought it […]

I Hate Hoomans! part 4.

I have been working hard on a competition run by KSP Writers’ Centre and the City of Mandurah called “Story Horse”.  I was trying to edit it down from 2175 words down to 2000 which is what I thought I remembered the limit was.  I cut it down to 2069 and then corrections brought it […]

I Hate Hoomans! part 3.

I have been working hard on a competition run by KSP Writers’ Centre and the City of Mandurah called “Story Horse”.  I was trying to edit it down from 2175 words down to 2000 which is what I thought I remembered the limit was.  I cut it down to 2069 and then corrections brought it […]

I Hate Hoomans! part 2.

I have been working hard on a competition run by KSP Writers’ Centre and the City of Mandurah called “Story Horse”.  I was trying to edit it down from 2175 words down to 2000 which is what I thought I remembered the limit was.  I cut it down to 2069 and then corrections brought it […]

I Hate Hoomans! part 1.

I have been working hard on a competition run by KSP Writers’ Centre and the City of Mandurah called “Story Horse”.  I was trying to edit it down from 2175 words down to 2000 which is what I thought I remembered the limit was.  I cut it down to 2069 and then corrections brought itContinueContinue reading “I Hate Hoomans! part 1.”