I have a YouTube Video Like Thingy


What on Earth was that Video Yesterday About?

Okay so I have been working on…. Whoa this is a long story. Okay I wanted to sell some books; Autistic Guides to High School. But I’ve been waiting for my illustrator, if you hire an Autistic, ADD, Dyslexic try to make sure they aren’t about to fall into a deep depression, alternately make sureContinueContinue reading “What on Earth was that Video Yesterday About?”

What Is Going On

Since I have told you what is going on in my life lots of stuff has happened. I am not, repeat NOT talking about it, well most of it. Partially because it was horrible and I don’t wanna. And partially because I am aware that many, if not all of you have been going throughContinueContinue reading “What Is Going On”

The Etiquette of the Parental Reprimand

Okay, so I need a second opinion here. I think that if you completely ignore your parents’ yelling at you, you can’t hold a grudge about being yelled at. Either they made a polite suggestion that you are free to ignore and thus no hard feelings, they expressed their feelings as fellow housemates and youContinueContinue reading “The Etiquette of the Parental Reprimand”

The Difference

Hello folks, another exercise for my writing group; find links between 2 disparate things and then write something comedic. Not an original idea of mine, a long time comedy staple. But after all its important to remember the classics. Guess which two I was writing about: It’s Little Eddie’s first day. The big car dropsContinueContinue reading “The Difference”